Saturday, February 9, 2013

Me. Today. Psychology for laughs

As some of you may know, I am attending Vanguard University working towards my Bachelors Degree in Psychology. While reading the text I came across something about Bipolar that actually made me laugh. I think it was the way they phrased it. Not so sure but it sounds like shrinks I have had in the past. "You are creative, if you're Bipolar that means you are extremely intelligent." (on and on) not much comfort for someone who feels like their head is going to explode.

My answer was always, "Who cares! Can you just fix it?"

Here is what my text book says about creativity and known people who have Bipolar disorder.

 Creativity and Bipolar disorder:

 There are many creative artists, composers, writers, and musical performers with bipolar disorder, including Catherine Zeta-Jones, Virginia Wolf, Samuel Clemens ( Mark Twain) and Tim Burton, Madeleine L'Engle wrote in A Circle Of Quiet, : All the people in history, literature, art whom I admire: Mozart,Shakespeare,Homer, El Greco, St John, Chekhow, Gregory of Nyssa, Dostoevsky, Emily Bronte;


I know who cares? Just make the suffering and pain go away. I don't know about you but I don't fit into the famous artist category, but I am exploring my love for writing. It is what it is, but it made me laugh. I guess we are in good company. Going to a bipolar support group with the above gang would be rather humors. I'm starting to laugh about my life and have some joy in the unique way that the Lord has designed me.

This week I spoke with a gal who is struggling with her bipolar diagnosis. I've been there and for me it's been a journey of acceptance. I'm twenty years into my journey and still want it all to just go away. But it is real, here and I'm in good company.

 I hope you know that you are too.


Jen Wagenmaker said...

Recently I heard a statement that made me really think...

The area that brings the most suffering in ones life, is that very area that God wants to give us authority over.

I like that thought.

Can't wait to see you face to face in a few weeks dear friend. ;)

Jessica said...

I so hear you in all of this!

Nesting Momma said...

Jennifer, I love that thought I believe it. I love what the Lord is preparing me for with the Legacy ministry. He is good.

I'm so glad you can relate. It's nice to know we are not alone, isn't it? Even though I know in my head that many suffer with Bipolar, it's not until I talk with someone that I feel the connection and support within my heart. Thank you for encouraging me!